Child Safety

Working together to safeguard children and young people

The Australian Human Rights Commission defines a child safe organisation as one that creates a culture, adopts strategies, and takes actions that promote child wellbeing and prevent harm to children and young people.

Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

Warrumbungle Shire Council is committed to being a child safe organisation, by embedding the NSW Child Safe Standards into our leadership, governance and organisational culture. We strive to safeguard all children’s sense of wellbeing and to keeping children safe from harm and abuse.

We acknowledge that disrespect, harm and abuse can have significant lifelong impact and we strive to ensure all children are kept free from harm whilst engaging with our services. Warrumbungle Shire Council has zero tolerance of child abuse in our organisation. We will engage with our youngest population in ways that are meaningful and relevant to them. We will strive to ensure our community is a place where all children are valued, respected and, above all, safe.

At Warrumbungle Shire Council:

  • We respect and uphold children’s right to privacy.
  • We support and respect children of all: ages; cultures; religions; education levels; children of diverse sexualities and genders; and children with disability.
  • We are committed to: the cultural safety of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children; the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds; and to providing a safe environment for children with disability.
  • We are committed to regularly training and educating our: employees; volunteers; senior leaders; and councillors on child abuse risks and obligations to prevent abuse and respond appropriately.


Child Protection Policy

Link to Policy PDF

Road Safety

Safe Journeys with Yuluwirri Kids

Kids & Traffic Resources

Other Safety Resources and Links

Child Protection Helpline

Reporting concerns about a child’s safety is an important step in preventing or stopping abuse or neglect. Community Services can intervene and help families in situations where a child or young person may be unsafe. If you know someone you think is at risk, call the helpline on 132 111.

Poisons Information Centre

The NSW Poisons Information Centre provides the latest poisons information and advice to the public. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.You can phone their hotline on 13 11 26 or visit the NSW Poisons Information Centre website for poisons prevention, first aid information and fact sheets.

NSW Family and Community Services 

Family and Community Services (FACS) promotes the safety and wellbeing of children and young people and works to build stronger families and communities. FACS provide child protection services, parenting support and early intervention, foster care and adoption services. Visit the FACS website for more information.

Families NSW Parenting Resources

Becoming a parent is one of the most challenging and rewarding tasks in life. No one can be expected to have the right answers all the time. Offering advice and parenting tips to give you a helping hand, Families NSW is an extensive and valuable resource on all things parenting.

KidSafe NSW

Kidsafe NSW is a useful parenting resource promoting child injury prevention and education in an effort to preserve and protect the lives of our children. Kidsafe’s website has a wealth of information about current news and events as well as resources, information sheets and fun educational video clips.