Doing Business with Council


An introduction to doing business with Council 

To make doing business with Council easier to understand, the Warrumbungle Shire Council have put together a guide to take local businesses through the process of becoming a supplier to Council. 

Procurement in local government has a very unique set of requirements for both tendering and quotations. This guide has helpful information on the tender process, and submission of quotations. 

Warrumbungle Shire Council looks forward to working with you! 

Some of the things you need to know

Goods and services are required to support the whole host of Council Operations - administration. maintenance, civil works, planning. The goods and services used within these operations are sourced through

  • Quotations
  • Preferred supplier agreements
  • Tenders 

Request for Quotations

A public advertisement may be made, asking for a Request for Quotation (RFQ) for goods and services valued at less than $250 000. RFQ documents and schedules will generally be a shortened version of a tender document. 

The same level of care should be taken when completing the documentation, which includes supplying all relevant Work Health and Safety (WHS) documentation, based on the risks associated with that particular service. This documentation can be accepted by Council Officers under delegation, meaning they do not require a resolution of Council. 

Preferred Supplier Agreements 

A preferred supplier agreement (PSA) is a contractual agreement between the business and Council. It brings the business benefits in that they are deemed an approved supplier who has met specific criteria. This may include insurances and licenses relevant to specific services, as well as provision of WHS documentation. This then identifies the business as a supplier within the Council network, pre-approved for quotations under pre-established terms and conditions. 

Tendering in Local Government

This is regulated under Section 55 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) and Part 7 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2005 (NSW). Additionally, Council has its own Tendering Procedures and will follow the guideline document produced by the Office of Local Government (OLD) called Tendering Guideline for NSW Local Government, October 2009

Tendering-Guidelines-for-NSW-Local-Government.pdf(PDF, 248KB)