NSW Planning Portal and DA Tracker Portal to lodge all Development Applicants, Construction Certificates, Complying Development Certificates and Occupation Certificates for building works throughout the Shire.
Application Forms Applications for all enquiries in relation to building on your land, planning certificates and Statement of Environmental Effects to accompany a Development Application and Local Approval applications for Events across the Shire.
Planning and Building Information on building in the Shire including Bushfire Protection, Flooding and Lighting requirements. Swimming Pool Barrier information and checklists to ensure your pool is safe and complaint.
Dark Sky Planning Information for residents on the Dark Sky Park and the lighting requirements for developments throughout the Shire.
Publications Council Documents and Report used for Assessing of Planning and Building Application within Warrumbungle Shire Council.
Heritage Information for residents who own properties that are listed as Heritage Items, within the Heritage Conservation Area or are of Heritage Significance within the Shire.
Food Premises Food Premises information for business owners and community members including Food Safety Supervisor.
Environmental Compliance Information for Business Owners and Residents on Environmental Compliance throughout the Shire including illegal dumping, alcohol free zones, local approvals and tree clearing.