Environmental Programs and Event Information

Environmental Programs

Information for residents on the various programs under Environmental Compliance including information on firework displays and woodsmoke reduction programs. Warrumbungle Shire is a member of the Central Werst Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance and undertakes various other programs in relation to environmental compliance across the Shire. 

Central West Councils Environment and Waterways Alliance

The Central West Councils Environment & Waterways Alliance is a partnership of 18 Councils across Central West NSW, encompassing both the Central Tablelands and Central West Local Land Services (LLS) regions and beyond.

The Alliance exists to improve environmental outcomes across the region.

The member Councils have a long history of collaboration, dating back to 2000 when they first came together as the Salinity Action Alliance to tackle the emerging threat of salinity across the region. In 2007 the scope of the partnership was widened to take in the protection of waterways. This was achieved by partnering with the then newly formed Central West Catchment Management Authority to deliver sound and practical on-ground environmental outcomes. It was at this time that the group became known as the Salinity & Water Quality Alliance.

For further information and to see both current and previous projects visit the CWCEWA website. 


Woodsmoke Reduction Program

Stay warm, Breathe easy

You've probably never thought about it, but smoke from wood burning heaters can be a major source of air pollution in the cooler months of the year.

The physical and chemical properties of wood smoke may be a health hazard.  This is particularly so for those with respiratory conditions or are immune compromised, and small children or elderly are at higher risk.

Wood smoke may also contribute to global warming through greenhouse gas emissions.

There are some simple ways to make sure your wood heater is used correctly and working as efficiently as it could be. If your chimney is smoking, your heater may not be operating effectively. 

By making a few simple changes you can enjoy the warmth of your wood heater and reduce wood smoke:

  • Use small well seasoned logs
  • Store wood undercover and keep dry
  • Increase air supply if chimney is smoking

By reducing smoke from wood heaters, we can all stay warm and breathe easy this winter.

Further information is available by contacting our Environmental Compliance Officer on (02) 6849 2000 or info@warrumbungle.nsw.gov.au or visiting the Environmental Protection Authority website.

Wood smoke isn't good smoke brochure

Short videos on practical tips for work heater owners and impacts of wood smoke pollution


Firework Displays

 ‘Guidelines for Council when Notification of a Fireworks Event is Received’ were developed by WorkCover (now SafeWork) and the Local Government and Shires Associations to provide councils with a standard framework when deciding whether to object to a firework display of which council has received a notification.

The guidelines are issued under s23A of the Local Government Act 1993.

This requires that all councils must have regard to the Guidelines when considering a fireworks event notification. SafeWork NSW is the approval authority for such events. Councils may, therefore, only charge proponents of such events in cases where council land assets are utilised. The activity proposed must be in line with the management plan for the site and the usage charge must be identified in the council’s current management plan.

The SafeWork website contains guidelines, forms and information about the operational conditions for fireworks displays.

This information can be found at SafeWork - Fireworks licences

Any Fireworks display within Warrumbungle Shire Council must apply to Council for approval and include the following documents:

  • Letter requesting Firework display - location, date and time
  • SafeWork Pyrotechnic License 
  • Copy of Public liability - showing Warrumbungle Shire Council as an interested party. 

Once all the above documents are received, they will be assessed by Councils Environmental Compliance Officer and approval given or refused.