Tree Clearing

Clearing for Bush Fire Protection 

The Rural Fire Service has establish the 10/50 vegetation clearing rule that allows certain properties to clear trees on their property within 10 meters of the home and clear 50 meters of underlying vegetation (shrubs) but not trees on their property within 50 meters. 

To be able to use the 10/50 rule you must be within the prescribed zone, an online tool has been established for residents to check their location it is also advised to check the online tool the day of clearing to ensure that no changes have been made to the mapping. 

New Rural Boundary Clearing Code

The NSW Government introduced a Rural Boundary Clearing Code which will allow rural landholder to clear vegetation on their property within 25 meters of the boundary fence to help reduce the spread of bush fires. 

An online assessment tool has been established to enable landholders to determine whether their property is mapped as rural boundary clearing area. 

Clearing Trees on Rural Property

Your options for managing native vegetation on your property are determined by the category of your land. Rural land in NSW is categorised into:

  • Exempt land (Category 1)
  • Regulated land (Category 2)
  • Excluded land.

The Land categories and the Land Management Framework factsheet gives further information to the land categories and if land clearing is permitted. 

Local Lands Services have a number of resources that are available on the website to help owners understand and use the Land Managment Framework.