Plumbing and Drainage

Plumbing and Drainage Regulation

The Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 allows a single regulator (Fair Trading) to have jurisdiction of all plumbing and drainage regulation in NSW and to ensure compliance with the Plumbing Code of Australia.

Fair Trading has delegated inspection and enforcement powers to regional councils, county councils and other suitable bodies. For more information go to regional plumbing and drainage inspections.

Plumbers and drainers are required to submit the following documents at certain stages of the work:

  • Notice of Work needs to be submitted to the local plumbing regulator before the work begins.
  • Certificate of Compliance needs to be submitted to the local plumbing regulator and a copy provided to the person for whom the work was carried out, on completion of the final inspection.
  • Sewer Service Diagram needs to be submitted to the local plumbing regulator and a copy provided to the owner of the land or the owners agent.

Combined Notice of Work and Certificate of Compliance needs to be completed and submitted to Council prior to any plumbing works being undertaken. 

Further plumbing inspection documents are available for download from the Fair Trading website.