Who to call in an Emergency

old style phone with triple zero and emergency under it on red background

In an emergency, dial

Fires, Accidents and Rescues  0 0 0 (Triple 0)

Floods and Storms call SES    132 500

Council services dial (02) 6849 2000. Calls after hours are automatically directed to our After Hours Call Centre, who will direct your call to the rostered Council team member.

What do I do if I want to Burn? CLICK HERE

Further information is available with the following links

 Local Stations


Local Call Free - 1300 795 099

Coonabarabran Office - 02 6849 2000

Coolah Office - 02 6378 5000


Fire Control Centre Coonabarabran Office - 02 6826 6300

Fire Control Centre Coolah Office - 02 6339 8561

NSW Police

Baradine Police Station - 02 6841 8100

Binnaway Police Station - 02 6841 8120

Coolah Police Station - 02 6371 9420

Coonabarabran Police Station - 02 6482 7299

Dunedoo Police Station - 02 6371 9430

Mendooran Police Station - 02 6841 8190


NSW Fire and Rescue Stations listed below are unmanned and answering machines are in place, Call Triple Zero (000) for Emergencies

Coolah Station 261 - 02 6339 8561

Coonabarabran Station 264 - 02 6822 9164

Dunedoo Station 281 - 02 6339 8581


Additional Phone Numbers

Financial assistance: call Disaster Welfare Services on 1800 018 444

Insurance queries: call the Insurance Council on 1300 884 934

Legal help: call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529

Loans or subsidies for primary producers, small businesses, churches or voluntary not-for-profit organisations: call the NSW Rural Assistance Authority on 1800 678 593

Grants for trustees of parks and reserves: call the Department of Planning and Environment on 1300 361 967 or visit https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/funding-and-support/grants

Grants for sporting clubs: call NSW Treasury on (02) 9228 5062

Motor vehicle stamp duty relief: call the Office of State Revenue on 1300 139 118