Who to call in an Emergency
In an emergency, dial
Fires, Accidents and Rescues 0 0 0 (Triple 0)
Floods and Storms call SES 132 500
Council services dial (02) 6849 2000. Calls after hours are automatically directed to our After Hours Call Centre, who will direct your call to the rostered Council team member.
What do I do if I want to Burn? CLICK HERE
Further information is available with the following links
Emergency Plans
Contains the Warrumbungle Shire EMplan, Rural Fire Service Operations Plan and the State Emergency Services Flood Plan and Maps
Burn Off Flow Chart & Forms(PDF, 573KB)
Bushfire Survival Plan(PDF, 4MB)
Community Recovery Guide - Acronyms and Abbreviations(PDF, 46KB)
Community Recovery Guide(PDF, 46KB)
Floodwaters contaminated with sewage may carry a range of viruses, bacteria and parasites(PDF, 223KB)
EM Plan - August 2024(PDF, 798KB)
Evacuation - What do I do(PDF, 478KB)
Council advises residents to stay away from flooded creeks and stormwater drains(PDF, 191KB)
Looking After Yourself After a Disaster(PDF, 2MB)
Neighbour Safer Place Last Resort(PDF, 1MB)
Neighbour Safer Place Locations Within Shire(PDF, 102KB)
SES Flood Plan(PDF, 2MB)
Warrumbungle Shire Adverse Event Plan(PDF, 718KB)
WSC Disaster Resilience Community Strategic Plan(PDF, 3MB)
Local Stations
NSW Fire and Rescue Stations listed below are unmanned and answering machines are in place, Call Triple Zero (000) for Emergencies
Coolah Station 261 - 02 6339 8561
Coonabarabran Station 264 - 02 6822 9164
Dunedoo Station 281 - 02 6339 8581