There are four classes of stock permits, as outlined under the Local Land Services Act 2013:
- Walking Stock Permit
- Grazing Stock Permit
- Roadside Grazing Stock Permit
- Annual Stock Movement Permit.
Stock routes
Travelling Stock Reserves (TSRs) are parcels of Crown land reserved under legislation for use by travelling stock. Local Land Services manage over 500 000 hectares of TSRs in NSW.
TSRs provide pasture reserves for travelling or grazing stock. These reserves can be beneficial in times of drought, bushfire or flood. They are also used for public recreation, apiary sites and for conservation.
Local Land Services manage the land to strike a balance between the needs of travelling or grazing stock and the conservation of native species.
For information about Stock Routes please visit Local Lands Services website.
Using TSRs
The key requirements for moving stock on a Travelling Stock Reserve (TSR) or along a public road are summarised below. For a full list of the requirements you should contact Local Land Services:
- You must obtain a permit
- Stock must be deemed free of disease before entering a TSR or public road.
- Walking stock are to travel only the route specified on the permit.
- Stock may only be walked over TSRs between sunrise and sunset.
- Stock must be yarded at night in a secure holding paddock or approved freestanding break.
- Grazing or walking stock must be adequately controlled at all times.
- There are restrictions on the use of TSRs including camping, use of water, timber, fences and equipment.
- You must apply for a stock permit at least 2 working days in advance and must notify the biosecurity officer at the relevant Local Land Services region of any variation in the journey.
- Approved stock warning signs (see below) must be displayed when stock are walking or grazing near or on a roadway.
- The mob size allowed on a TSR will depend on factors such as seasonal conditions, water availability and other conditions.
Using stock warning signs
Approved black and yellow stock warning signs, available from your Local Land Services office, must be displayed when stock are walking or grazing near or on a road. Signs must be:
- displayed when stock are being walked or grazed along or within 300 metres of a public road except where a stock proof fence separates the stock from the road.
- positioned so that a motorist is warned of the presence or likely presence of stock a reasonable distance before the vehicle would first encounter the stock.
- clearly visible to motorists who approach stock in either direction.
- positioned so that there is not more than 5 kilometres and not less than 200 metres between the sign and a place where a vehicle being driven towards the stock would first encounter them.
Requirements may vary between districts, you should on contact LLS on 1300 795 299 before you plan to move stock or for information on the requirements for using stock warning signs.
For information about TSRs please visit Local Lands Services website.