Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program – Phase 4

Program Overview

Over $2 million has been granted for various roads and community projects in towns across the Warrumbungle Shire that is set to improve infrastructure for community members.

“Funding has now been approved for 15 road and community infrastructure projects across the Shire,” said Warrumbungle Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Ambrose Doolan. “Council is delighted to share that it has received $2,449,382 under the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCI) Phase 4,” Cr Doolan explained.

Projects that have been approved under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program include:
• Mendooran Tennis Court Fence Upgrade - $120,000
• Shire Wide Bus Stop Upgrades - $185,000
• CCTV Installation at Outdoor Pools - $150,000
• Shire Wide Playground Upgrades - $400,000
• Mendooran Park Picnic Shelter and Pathway Upgrades - $140,000
• Len Guys Park Binnaway Toliet Upgrades - $80,000
• Dog Parks for Coolah, Coonabarabran, and Dunedoo - $120,000
• Dunedoo Pedestrian Access Improvement - $60,000
• Baradine Pool Amenities Maintenance and Repair - $100,000
• Coonabarabran Pump Park Shade and Seating Improvements - $25,000
• Cemetery Signage Renewal Phase 1 - $50,000
• Coolah Pool Entrance Building Maintenance and Repair - $100,000
• Coonabarabran No3 Oval New Skillion Roof - $88,366
• Baradine Road, Baradine Causeway - $550,000
• Piambra Road, Binnaway Reconstruction - $346,016

Works on these projects are set to get underway throughout 2024 and all projects are anticipated to be completed by end June 2025.

“Council would like to thank the Australian Government for funding these projects under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program, we are excited to see these projects come to light,” Cr Doolan concluded.


Mendooran Tennis Court Fence Upgrade

Replacement of the fence around the tennis court incorporating drainage. 

The fence at the Mendooran Tennis Courts bounds four courts, is in a poor condition and coming to the end of its life. Replacement of the fence will complement the planned upgrade to the court surfacing and create a safe and secure environment that will encourage the development of local sports and recreation programs and activities that are inclusive of diverse ages, abilities and interests. 

Mendooran Tennis Court Fence 1

Shire Wide Bus Stop Upgrades

Complimentary works to Country Passenger Transport Infrastructure Grant Scheme (CPTIGS) funding to ensure bus stop compliance. Eg pathways, lighting, signage, tactiles etc

CPTIGS which aims to provide more accessible passenger transport, focusing on better connections between bus stops and surrounding communities has funded the installation of several new bus shelters across the Shire. This project will improve pedestrian access to the shelters located at bus stops and NSW TrainLink coach stops.

Coonabarabran Bus Stop\

CCTV Installation at Outdoor Pools

Installation of at least one CCTV at Baradine, Binnaway, Coolah, Coonabarabran, Dunedoo and Mendooran Pools. A minimum of six CCTVs and more if budget will allow. 

The pools managed by Warrumbungle Shire Council are spread across a large geographic area and the current state of the pools is making it increasingly difficult to provide safe swimming environments to the community. Furthermore, attracting and retaining suitably qualified and experienced staff to operate the pools is becoming increasingly difficult year on year. Installation of CCTV at the pools will provide a level of surveillance to assist Council manage patrons at each facility. This project also aims to assist in crime prevention and promote community safety. 

Mendooran Pool


Shire Wide Playground Upgrades

Upgrades to play equipment, safety surfacing, picnic furniture, fencing, pathways. 

This project will upgrade play equipment and safety surfacing in several of Councils nine playgrounds across the Shire.  Some items of play equipment will be completely replaced (eg full climbing structures) and others will have parts or sections (eg a slide or swing) replaced. Softfall will be completely removed and replaced in some playgrounds, while others will receive patch repairs. Once completed the playgrounds will be safe and compliant with Australian Standards for children’s playgrounds.  At least two picnic shelters, four bench seats and 50m of fences will also be renewed and up to 50m of pathways will be rehabilitated where required. Benefit to the community will be access to play spaces and picnic areas. 

Binnaway Playground


Mendooran Park Picnic Shelter and Pathways Upgrade

Renewal of one picnic shelter, one picnic setting and 100m of entry pathways into Mendooran Park.

The picnic shelter in the park is aged and nearing end of life, as is the picnic setting and BBQ underneath.  Pathways are not compliant with current accessibility standards and Council is eager to address this issue. Once complete the community and tourists will have safe access to upgraded contemporary and fit for purpose picnic facilities in Mendooran Park.

Mendooran Picnic Shelter 1


Len Guy Park Binnaway Toilet Upgrade

Renovations to toilet including replacement of wall and floor tiles (approx. 15m), two basins and four lights. Works are improving Councils to compliance with Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) and National Construction Code (NCC). 

Due to the age and condition of some of Councils 18 public toilet blocks, not all of them, especially Len Guy Park toilets are compliant with the NCC and DDA. Once complete this project will provide a compliant, contemporary and fit for purpose facility for community use. 

Len Guy Park 1


Dog Parks for Coolah, Coonabarabran and Dunedoo

Creation of dog parks through installation of fencing, water points, signage and other ancillary items such as shade trees.

Off leash dog exercise areas help dogs relieve boredom and release pent-up energy. They can also assist to reduce unwanted behaviour such as excessive barking. Outdoors exercise also benefits owners with dog parks bringing people together. More and more people are travelling with dogs these days and the project locations have been strategically selected to meet local need and to also attract tourists travelling through towns. The areas selected are in parklands adjacent toilets, CBD areas and/or service stations.


Dunedoo Pedestrian Access Improvements

Installation of three pram ramps. The community identified pedestrian access issues across the local government area when they were engaged with during the preparation of the Warrumbungle Shire Council Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP). This project will facilitate improvements in the level of personal mobility and safety for pedestrians, those with disabilities and older persons through the provision of infrastructure which caters to their needs. Beneficiaries of the installation of three pram ramps include people who walk, use a wheelchair, mobility scooter, pram, walking frame or stick.


Baradine Pool Amenities Maintenance and Repair

Baradine Pool amenities maintenance and repair. The Baradine Pool amenities building incorporating toilets, showers and changerooms requires significant maintenance and repairs to the weatherboards. The building will be painted once the boards have been repaired and/or replaced. These works will extend the life of the building ensuring the Baradine community is supported by fit for purpose recreational infrastructure.

Swimming Pool 4


Coonabarabran Pump Park Shade and Seating Improvements

Installation of barbecue cover, shade and seating. The installation of a cover over the new BBQ as well as shade and seating at the Pump Park will activate the space and invite people to stay longer.  This will improve access to the Pump Park and adjacent Skate Park. Users of the adjoining indoor sport and recreation centre will have an option to host indoor/outdoor activities and events targeted towards young people. 

Coonabarabran Pump Park


Cemetery Signage Renewal Phase 1

Renewal of directional and denominational signage in cemeteries. Council received feedback that cemeteries are difficult to navigate due to the lack of, and/or poor condition of directional and denominational signage.  This project will make it easy for people searching for the graves of loved ones in cemeteries across the Shire. 

Coonabarabran Cemetery 1


Coolah Pool Entrance Building Maintenance and Repair

Coolah Pool entrance building maintenance and repair. This project will renew an ageing building that cannot be used due its current condition. Once the works are complete the building will be used by community groups for storage and/or display of materials such as swimming club memorabilia.


Coonabarabran No3 Oval New Skillion Roof

Construction of a skillion roof over the amenities buildings. Creation of outdoor multipurpose covered gathering space for spectating sporting matches, registration days, training and education days. Promotion of sun safe practices. 

Number 3 oval in Coonabarabran


Baradine Road Causeway

Conversion of Causeway 1 on Baradine Road to a major culvert. The community benefit from this project will be accessibility. The major culvert and approaches will be approximately 50m in length in total. The works will ensure Baradine Road remains open to traffic during flood/heavy rain times and that people can travel to and from Baradine to work, school, medical appointments etc.


Piambra Road Reconstruction

Reconstruction of approximately 1km of road pavement width of 8m and a seal of 6m wide. The community benefit of this project is improved road safety. The current pavement seal is one lane wide and this project widening the road to 8m with a seal of 6m.  

Piambra Road 1