Resources for Regions Round 9 Program

Program Overview

Under the Resources for Regions Round 9 program, Warrumbungle Shire Council has been successful in obtaining $1.5million for upgrades and expansions to the sporting ovals in Coolah, Coonabarabran and Mendooran, and investigation into the redevelopment of Coonabarabran Public Swimming Pool.

The Resources for Regions program supports communities across regional NSW impacted by mining. Resources for Regions Round 9 will provide funding for new infrastructure and community projects that support economic and social prosperity. 


  • Bowen Oval Coolah - amenity upgrade and storage
  • Coonabarabran No 3 Oval - new amenities
  • Mendooran Oval - amenity upgrade and expansion Stage 1
  • Coonabarabran Public Swimming Pool - masterplan, design and construction plans for redevelopment

Bowen Oval Coolah - Amenity upgrade and storage

Project Overview

Council has received funding of $449,911.00 under the State Government’s Resources for Regions Round 9 for the Bowen Oval Coolah Amenity Upgrade and Storage project. 

The project involves improving the amenity of Bowen Oval through the construction of a dedicated storage facility and upgrades to the amenities to create additional toilet facilities and improved changerooms. 

The scope of works includes:
• Construction of a purpose built 6 bay storage shed
• Changeroom refurbishments
• Reconfiguration of rooms and conversion of storage to create additional and accessible toilets 
• Demolition of former storage building

Project Update

July 2023 

This is a 2024/25 construction project with the planning to be completed in 2023/24. So far, a draft layout plan has been developed and key stakeholders have been engaged. 

Coonabarabran No 3 Oval - New Amenities

Project Overview  

Council has received funding of $304,716.00 under the State Government’s Resources for Regions Round 9 for the Coonabarabran No 3 Oval New Amenities project.

The project involves improving community amenity through the construction of a new amenity building at Number 3 Oval in Coonabarabran. The universally designed building will house changerooms, storage, a kiosk, referee and first aid room as well as toilets. Funding was sought to increase the original scope of works funded to the value of $585,000 under the Local Roads & Community Infrastructure Program which did not include a kiosk, toilets or a covered area. 

The universally designed building will house:

  • changerooms 
  • storage 
  • kiosk 
  • covered area
  • referee and first aid room
  • toilets

Project Update

February 2024

Design and Development Application
Preparation of the development application is ongoing. Drawings for the Development Application (DA) and Construction Certificate (CC) are at 50% complete and once finalised the DA/CC will be lodged and Council will utilise these drawings to advertise the tender for the construction of the modular building.

Powerline Relocation
The easement plan, along with the draft of the Section 88B instrument for easement registration has been lodged with Essential Energy. The relocation design is under review by Essential Energy and works are expected to commence in early April.

Mendooran Oval - amenity upgrade and expansion Stage 1

Project Overview

Council has received funding of $599,879.00 under the State Government’s Resources for Regions Round 9 for the Mendooran Oval Amenity Upgrade and Expansion Stage 1 project.

The project involves improving community amenity through the replacement of the toilets at Mendooran Oval with a modular building, which has been designed to enable a staged approach to the construction of a facility to service the community now and into the future. The first stage entails a universally designed toilet block and storage area, small car park and pathways. Future stages include a kiosk and changerooms and picnic facilities. 

The scope of works includes:

  • Demolition of the existing toilet block
  • Installation of a concrete slab
  • Construction of a modular toilet block providing a universal toilet, an ambulant toilet and standard toilet as well as storage for sporting equipment.
  • Construction of a small car park with pathway link to the new building

Project Update

February 2024 

Design being finalised and development application being prepared. 

Coonabarabran Public Swimming Pool - masterplan, design and construction plans for redevelopment

Project Overview

Council has received funding of $199,440.00 under the State Government’s Resources for Regions Round 9 for a Masterplan, design and construction plans for the redevelopment of Coonabarabran Public Swimming Pool.

This project will deliver a Masterplan that builds on the Coonabarabran Swimming Pool Advisory Committee’s concept; as well as design and construction plans for the redevelopment of the Pool. The project will ensure Council has a shovel ready plan for future funding opportunities that will enable implementation of the Masterplan and redevelopment of the important community asset to begin. Identified priorities to be discussed with the community include: -

1. Construction of an 8 lane 25m pool with access ramp for universal access 
2. Construction of a toddler pool with associated splash pad including a tipping bucket, jets and sprayers
3. Construction of new universally designed amenities incorporating family friendly changerooms

Coonabarabran Swimming Pool RRR9

Project Update

April 2024 

Council is in the process of drafting updated procurement documents to be advertised in May 2024.