There are over 2,200km of local roads under Council’s road maintenance program, funded largely by Council. As part of the maintenance program, all local roads are categorised into one of three groups based on condition rating. Groupings are based on a range of characteristics, including water drainage, road material, school bus routes and traffic flow.
The Warrumbungle Shire Council Local Road Maps are a guide to understanding which category grouping a local road belongs to.
Funding for the Local Roads Maintenance Program is derived largely from Council rates revenue, together with grant funding from the Federal Assistance Grants and Roads to Recovery programs.
When will my road be graded?
The road maintenance grading schedule is influenced by a combination of the road category grouping, condition monitoring and weather. The recent extended dry seasons experienced in the region have delayed planned maintenance works schedules. Category One roads are generally scheduled for maintenance at a higher frequency than Category Two or Three.
The regularity of planned maintenance to provide average road conditions as outlined in the Operational Plan and Delivery Program 2016/17 – 2019/20 follows:
Category One - once every 15 months
Category Two - once every three years
Category Three - once every five years
The frequency of road grading may be delayed by weather conditions and budget constraints.
There are also roads that are not categorised, such as roads through National Parks and State Forest, and are not maintained by Council’s road maintenance program.
How are road maintenance requests prioritised?
Road maintenance is scheduled based on safety concerns, condition ratings and the timing of future programmed works.
How do I request road maintenance?
Please contact Council by phone, email or letter, or complete our online Customer Request Form. You can also view our Customer Service Charter(PDF, 201KB) as a guide to understanding how we will respond to your request.
Roads are added to the road maintenance program after consideration by Council and review of budget.
What is the Upcoming Grading Maintenance Program?
Our Road Operations team reviews the maintenance schedule weekly, and the proposed grading maintenance schedule for unsealed roads is reported at each monthly Council meeting.
Scheduled for Maintenance -
* Please note that the repair of flood damaged roads will take priority over the grading maintenance program as determined by Council.
Completed Maintenance -
The following roads have had segments where grading maintenance for flood damage repairs has been completed for the 2023/2024 period:
Banoon Road, Beni Road, Blue Springs Road, Bolton Creek Road, Bong Bong Road, Boogadah Road, Brooks Road, Burma Road, Cliffdale Road, Coybil Road, Gamble Creek Road, Gundare Road, Kilaree Road, Kurrajong Road (South), Leaders Road, Lewis Road, Locknaw Road, McEvoys Road, McGuinnes Road, Melrose Road, Merotherie Road, Merryula Road, Mountainside Road, Mt Bangalore Road, Munns Road, Myall Plains Road, Napier Lane, Narangarie Road, Oban Road, Orana Road, Patrick Road, Railway Road, Round Mountain Road, Rowbotham Road, Sansons Lane, Scully Road, Tabletop Road, Town Well Road and Yarrow Road.
* Please note that the repair of flood damaged roads will take priority over the grading maintenance program as determined by Council.