Business Use of Footpaths

Business Use of Footpath

The purpose of this policy is to facilitate businesses, community groups and entertainers use of the footpaths for either commercial or community activities, through the issue of an approval under the Roads Act 1993.

The policy aims to enhance and promote a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere in the Warrumbungle Shire Council Local Government Area (WSC LGA).

The policy will ensure a pleasant and safe environment for shoppers and patrons, without compromising the safety or amenity of the public domain for pedestrians using the public footpath and adjoining public spaces and for motorists parking or alighting from their vehicles.

The policy will allow the approval of business use of footpath within the WSC LGA adjacent to businesses where there is adequate road reserve/footpath width for safe pedestrian and traffic circulation. Businesses should not use a footpath without a permit from the Council.

Business Use of Footpaths Application Forms - Permanent(PDF, 320KB)  and Temporary(PDF, 236KB)  

Business Use of Footpath Policy(PDF, 108KB)

Business Use of Footpaths Guidelines(PDF, 193KB)