
Access Across Road Reserves to Properties Policy

Our Access Across Road Reserves to Properties Policy set out the responsibilities for physical access to properties from the Council roadway.

Access Across Road Reserves to Properties Policy(PDF, 91KB)

Asset Management Policy

The Asset Management Policy ensures that asset management strategies and asset management plans are developed and implemented within an overall framework of Integrated Planning and Reporting.

Asset Management Policy(PDF, 103KB)


Business Use of Footpaths Policy

The Business Use of Footpaths Policy will allow the approval of business use of footpaths for either commercial or community activities that are adjacent to businesses where there is adequate road reserve/footpath width for safe pedestrian and traffic circulation.

Business Use of Footpaths Policy(PDF, 107KB)

Capital Funds Allocation Policy

The Capital Funds Allocation Policy ensures that Council's limited funds available for capital expenditure are untilised effectively as possible and are allocated in accordance with the principles of best practice asset management.

Capital Funds Allocation Policy(PDF, 90KB)

CCTV Protocol Policy

The CCTV Protocol Policy ensures that CCTV systems are used appropriately and the privacy of residents, workers and visitors are protected

CCTV Protocol Policy(PDF, 115KB)


Cemetery Management and Burial Policy

The Cemetery Management and Burial Policy outlines the management of cemeteries within the Warrumbungle Local Government Area and ensures that all cemeteries under Council's care are maintained and managed professionally.

Cemetery Management and Burial Policy(PDF, 91KB)

Charitable Collection of Funds Policy

The Charitable Collection of Funds Policy set out guidelines for the collection of funds for local "not for profit" oganisations through Warrumbungle Shire offices.

Charitable Collection of Funds Policy(PDF, 87KB)

Child Protection Policy

The Child Protection Policy ensures Council implements the 10 NSW Child Safe Standards in accordance with Children’s Guardian Amendment (Child Safe Scheme) Bill 2021 and is compliant with NSW child protection legislation, including mandatory reporting, recruitment, and responding to allegations against staff involving children and young people.

Child Protection Policy(PDF, 135KB)

Citizenship Dress Code Policy

The Citizenship Dress Code Policy outlines the appropriate attire to be worn during a Citizenship Ceremony held in the Warrumbungle Shire.

Citizenship Dress Code Policy(PDF, 82KB)

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is made under section 440 of the Local Government Act 1993 and the Local Government Regulation 2021 and sets out the minimum standards of conduct for Council officials.

The Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct are made under section 440AA of the Local Government Act and the Regulation. Every Council (including county councils) and joint organisation's are required to adopt procedures for the administration of their Code of Conduct that incorporate the provisions of the Model Code Procedures.

Procedures for the Administration of the Code of Conduct(PDF, 364KB)


Code of Meeting Practice

The Code of Meeting Practice is made under section 360 of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005 (the Regulation) and applies to all meetings of councils and committees of councils of which all the members are councillors.

Attendance by Councillors at Meetings by Audio-Visual Link is a supplementary procedure for the Code of Meeting Practice to be used to connect councillors through an audio-visual link for Council meetings and committees of Council.

Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 403KB)

The Code of Meeting Practice - Supplementary Procedure(PDF, 137KB)



Community Liaison and Communications Policy

The Community Liaison and Communications Policy ensures Council conducts appropriate community engagement and communication which meets legislative requirements.

Community Liaison and Communications Policy(PDF, 104KB)

Complaint Handling Policy

The Complaint Handling Policy provides guidance to Council staff and people who wish to make a complaint on the key principles and concepts of Council's complaint management system.

Complaint Handling Policy(PDF, 155KB)

Compliance and Enforcement Policy

The Compliance and Enforcement Policy outlines compliance and enforcement activities and actions undertaken by Council within the Local Government Area in response to dealing with alleged unlawful activities that fall under Council’s delegated functions.

Compliance and Enforcement Policy(PDF, 170KB)

Contaminated Land Policy

The Contaminated Land Policy provides a guide for the community and practitioners in relation to delivering Councils requirements to the use and/or development of land that is or may be contaminated.

Contributions for Kerb and Guttering and Paving Policy

The Contributions for Kerb and Guttering and Paving Policy advises property owners of potential costs where kerb and guttering and footway paving is constructed adjacent to their property.

Council Chambers and Meeting Room Policy

The Council Chambers and Meeting Room Policy identifies the usage and access to the Council's offices and meeting rooms.

Council Chambers and Meeting Room Policy(PDF, 91KB)

Council Facilities Waiver of Council Fees and Charges Policy

The Council Facilities Waiver of Council Fees and Charges Policy deals with the reduction, waiver or refund of Council fees and charges associated with the use of Council facilities.

Council Facilities Waiver of Council Fees and Charges Policy(PDF, 145KB)

Councillor Induction and Professional Development Polocy

The Councillor Induction and Professional Development Policy demonstrates Council's commitment to ensuring that the Mayor and councillors have access to induction and ongoing professional development which will assist them to develop and maintain the skills and knowledge required to effectively perform their civic role and responsibilities under the Local Government Act 1993 (‘the Act’). 


Customer Service Charter

The Customer Service Charter ensures all customers receive an efficient, responsive and friendly service and sets out Council’s service standards and explains what you can do if we have not delivered a service to that standard.

Data Breach Policy

The Data Breach Policy provides guidance to Council employees in responding to a data breach of Council held information.

Data Breach Policy(PDF, 125KB)

Debt Recovery and Financial Hardship Policy

The Debt Recovery and Financial Hardship Policy details the options available to ratepayers experiencing genuine financial hardship and establishes guidelines for assessing financial hardship applications.

Debt Recovery and Financial Hardship Policy(PDF, 272KB)


Disposal of Council Assets Policy

The Disposal of Council Assets Policy sets out the responsibilities and processes for Council offices to account for and manage the disposal of Council assets.

Disposal of Council Assets Policy(PDF, 154KB)

Drinking Water Quality Policy

The Drinking Water Quality Policy outlines the responsibility of Warrumbungle Water staff to manage Council's water supply to provide safe, secure and high-quality drinking water to connected properties in each town across the Shire.

Drinking Water Quality Policy(PDF, 89KB)

Emergency Asbestos Management Plan 2017

The Emergency Asbestos Management Plan 2017 is to be used for the management of asbestos containing materials within the Warrumbungle Shire Council Local Government Area.  

Emergency Asbestos Management Plan(PDF, 91KB)

Enterprise Risk Management Policy

The Enterprise Risk Management Policy details Council's overall intentions for managing risk in the workplace and highlights the core components of the Enterprise Risk Management Framework.

Enterprise Risk Management Policy(PDF, 97KB)

Excessive Water Usage Reduction Allowance for Breakages Policy

The Excessive Water Usage Reduction Allowance for Breakages Policy outlines the financial assistance Council may provide to residential landowners for excessive water bills as a result of an undetected water leak.

Financial Planning and Sustainability Policy

The Financial Planning and Sustainability Policy guides Council when developing the Annual Budget, Long Term Financial Plans and when making decisions including the consideration of funding options for infrastructure projects which impact both the present and future financial position of Council. 

Financial Planning and Sustainability Policy(PDF, 119KB)

Flying the Australian and Aboriginal Flags Policy

TheFlying the Australian and Aboriginal Flags Policy outlinesthe protocols associated with the flying of the Australian National Flag on Council buildings.  

Flying the Australian and Aboriginal Flags Policy(PDF, 99KB)

Fraud and Corruption Control Policy

The Fraud and Corruption Control Policy aims to ensure the actions of any person undertaking Council business do not result in fraudulent acts.

The Fraud and Corruption Control Plan Procedures and Guidelines supports the Policy and sets out arrangements for the overall management of the risks and any instances of fraud and/or corruption.


Fraud and Corruption Control Plan Procedures and Guidelines(PDF, 285KB)


Interaction between Councillors and Staff Policy

The Interaction between Councillors and Staff Policy provides an understanding of how councillors and staff should interact.

Interaction between Councillors and Staff Policy(PDF, 200KB)

Internally Restricted Assets Policy

The Internally Restricted Assets Policy details the type and level of internal restrictions that Council should set aside out of available funds to meet cash outgoings that Council will need to fund in the future years. 

Internally Restricted Assets Policy(PDF, 121KB)

Investment Policy

The Investment Policy provides a framework for investing Council's surplus fund at the most favourable interest rate available whilst considering risk and security for that investment type.

Investment Policy(PDF, 192KB)

Liquid Trade Waste Policy

The Liquid Trade Waste Policy set out how Council will regulate sewerage and trade waste discharges to its sewerage systems.

Liquid Trade Waste Policy(PDF, 85KB)

Liquid Trade Waste FAQs(PDF, 91KB)


Managing Conflicts of Interests for Council-related Development Policy

The Managing Conflicts of Interests for Council-related Development Policy aims to manage potential conflicts of interest and increase transparency at all stages of the development process for council-related development.



Media Policy

The Media Policy outlines Council's use of media to engage with the community and to set standards of conduct for all Council officials who interact with media in their official capacity.

Policy for the Payment of Expenses and the Provision of Facilities to Mayors and Councillors

The Policy for the Payment of Expenses and the Provision of Facilities to Mayors and Councillors ensures that there is accountability and transparency in the reimbursement of expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Councillors.

Policy for the Payment of Expenses and the Provision of Facilities to Mayors and Councillors(PDF, 428KB)


Privacy Management Plan

The Privacy Management Plan explains how Council manages personal and health information. Under section 33 of the PPIP Act, Council is required to have a Privacy Management Plan.

Privacy Management Plan(PDF, 563KB)

Procurement Policy (Including Local Support Policy)

The Procurement Policy provides the framework for Council to procure goods and services that meet the expectations of the community and stakeholders in the Local Government area at an affordable cost.


Project Management Policy

The Project Management Policy establishes a corporate approach to the initiating, planning, delivery and closing of Council projects.


Public Art Policy

The Public Art Policy outlines Council’s commitment to ensuring that the vibrant arts and cultural life of the Shire is promoted and supported as an essential aspect of community well-being.

Public Forum Policy

The Public Forum Policy provides members of the public with guidelines and an application form for addressing a public forum before a Council meeting.

Public Forum Policy(PDF, 269KB)



Public Interest Disclosure Policy

ThePublic Interest Disclosure Policyprovides guidance for public officials to make a disclosure of serious wrongdoing to Council and to provide the framework for Council to dealwith any such disclosures. 


Public Interest Disclosure Policy(PDF, 361KB)

Public Swimming Pools Policy

ThePublic Swimming Pools Policyestablishes clear guidelines and procedures for the management of public pools within the Shire.

Public Swimming Pools Policy(PDF, 142KB)


Rating Policy

The Rating Policy ensures effective controls, policies and procedures are in place with respect to Council’s rating function, collection of overdue rates, and the granting of pensioner concessions.

Records Management for Councillors Policy and Procedure

The Records Management for Councillors Policy provide the framework for elected representatives of Council to accurately and transparently manage the records of activities and decisions of Councillors.

Records Management for Councillors Policy(PDF, 121KB)

Records Management for Councillors Procedure(PDF, 292KB)


Records Management Strategy

The Records Management Strategy sets out an overarching framework for integrating current records management initiatives, as well as recommending new ones.

Records Management Strategy(PDF, 301KB)

Regional Contaminated Land Policy

The Regional Contaminated Land Policy guides Council on how to carry out its planning functions, and to provide a local context for decision making in relation to contaminated land.  

Regional Contaminated Land Policy(PDF, 883KB)


Related Party Disclosure Policy

TheRelated Party Disclosure Policyprovides guidance on identifying Council’s related parties, related party transactions and how to record them in Council’s systems and disclose in Council’s General Purpose Financial Statements in accordance with AASB 124.

Related Party Disclosure Policy(PDF, 159KB)


Renewable Energy Benefit Policy

TheRenewable Energy Benefit Policyoutlines Council’s position on renewable energy generation, storage and transmission projects (including associated infrastructure), associated environmental, social and economic benefits, and costs expected to be generated from such



Residential Property Policy

TheResidential Property Policydefines the use and availability of residential properties owned by Council whilst ensuring that the premises are managed in a professional manner within the relevant legislation.

Residential Property Policy(PDF, 104KB)


Signs as Remote Supervision Policy

TheSigns as Remote Supervision Policy is to minimise the riskof injury as a result of activities occurring in a public spacethrough the use of signage.

Signs as Remote Supervision Policy(PDF, 39KB)

Social Media Policy

TheSocial Media Policy outlines Council’s use of social media platforms for engagement with the community.


Social Media Policy(PDF, 140KB)

Statement of Business Ethics

TheStatement of Business Ethicsprovides guidance for all sectors of the community when conducting business with Council and sets the ground rules for all business dealings between Council and its suppliers. Statement of Business Ethics(PDF, 128KB)

Statement to Child Safety

Temporary Grazing Permit

TheTemporary Grazing Permit outlines management of Temporary Grazing Permits within the Local Government Area.

Temporary Grazing Permit(PDF, 113KB)


Upgrading of Roads Not Constructed or Maintained by Council

TheUpgrading of Roads Not Constructed or Maintained by Councilaims to set out the circumstances and procedures under which property owners are able to undertake roadworks on Council public roads within the Local Government Area.

Upgrading of Roads Not Constructed or Maintained by Council(PDF, 49KB)


Vision, Mission and Values

Work Health and Safety Policy

TheWork Health and Safety Policy aims to ensure the health, safety and welfare of Council workers and ensures the development, assessment and implementation of an appropriate safety system. Work Health and Safety Policy(PDF, 106KB)